Good News for “Yo-Yo” Dieters

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

If you’ve lost and gained the same 20 (or 30, 40, 50+ pounds) for years and believe that you’ve “wrecked” your metabolism and can’t maintain successful long term weight loss, there’s very good news for you!
A recent article in the scientific journal Metabolism followed more than 400 women for one year. About 40% of the participants classified themselves as “weight cyclers,” defined as losing (and regaining) at least 10 to 20 pounds at least three times. Participants were assigned to one of four treatment groups: (1) reduced calorie diet only; (2) reduced calorie diet plus exercise plan; (3) exercise plan alone; (4) no intervention, served as the comparison group. 
Now here’s the good news! There was no significant difference for the total amount of weight lost between women who were yo-yo dieters and those who weren’t. That’s a reassuring message for the millions of women (and men) who feel their efforts are sabotaged by their past weight cycling history.

If you’re trying to avoid the problem of yo-yo dieting altogether, start with setting modest, realistic goals for yourself. Slow and steady wins the weight loss race. Small short-term goals add up to long-term success. 


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