Today is National Run at Work Day!

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
Are you one of those people who never can find the time to exercise? Are you so busy with your daily activities that a regular run or walk isn’t even on your radar? If so, the national campaign called Run At Work Day might interest you.
It’s a day of raising awareness about the importance of daily physical activity in supporting good health, a “call to action” to make room for physical activity in your life. And you don’t have to be a runner to participate. The goal, for both adults and children, is to include at least a 30-minute walk some time during your day. 
While we all know the benefits of exercise on cardiovascular health, a mid-day boost of physical activity has other health benefits. A 30-minute walk can be the perfect stress reliever. Walk with a friend or listen to your favorite music.
Feeling some late afternoon fatigue? Instead of a coffee break, take a walk for some fresh air (and maybe some sunshine!) for an energy boost. 
If you don’t have 30 minutes at one time, break up your activity.  Even a 10-minute walk is helpful. Aim for three 10-minute bouts and you’ll achieve similar health benefits to a single 30-minute period.
What ideas do you have to celebrate National Run at Work Day? 


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