Slimmer Summer Eating

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

The unofficial start of summer begins with the Memorial Day weekend. It’s now time to take advantage of all the seasonal fruits and vegetables. With the expansion of the worldwide food supply, produce is always available throughout the year – but these out-of-season foods usually lack flavor and are extremely pricey.

Now is the time to indulge in all the colorful fruits and vegetables we love. From berries and melons, to deep leafy greens and zucchini, to corn on the cob and green beans – you’ll find them all in the next 12 weeks at local supermarkets, farmers markets, and small stands throughout our region. Most are locally grown and reasonably priced, and you’ll get an amazing flavor and nutritional bang for your shopping dollar.

If you’ve been choosing frozen produce to save money, it’s a great time to look for seasonal and locally grown fruits and vegetables. You’ll find the prices very competitive. Whether raw, cooked, or cut in chunks to grill on skewers (alone or with your favorite meat), seasonal vegetables are great for your wallet and your waistline.

Remember that fruit is nature’s candy, and there’s nothing like a cold, crisp wedge of watermelon to tame your sweet tooth! And don’t forget grilled fruit – peaches and nectarines have an enhanced sweetness with a few minutes on the grill or stove.
What ideas to you have for summer fruits and vegetables?


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