5 Tips When You Don't Have Time to Exercise

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

Are you among the millions of people who have no time to exercise? It’s the number one reason cited for not moving more.  We all have good intentions, but when time is short, try these tips to maintain an active day – and to stay connected to a healthy lifestyle. Some activity is always better than none!
  1. Try a brisk 5 minute walk 4-5 times a day.
  2. Focus on good posture at your desk to strengthen your body core.
  3. Take a break every hour to stand up and stretch; try to touch your toes.
  4. Sit on an exercise ball (or exercise cushion) instead of your chair at home or at work.
  5. Schedule a “walking meeting” when you can.

These are all “learned” habits….and it takes about 3 weeks to make a habit stick. I did this myself – and while the first week was tough, it became easier with time. These tips are also easy to maintain.
What other tips can you share with us, to move more when there’s no time to exercise? 


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