Want to Lose Weight? Count Calories

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

Years of debate continue about the best eating strategies to lose weight. Who hasn’t heard about the advantages of a high-fat diet – or is that a low-fat diet? Cut the carbs – no wait, keep the carbs? Was that load up on protein or cut back?

Now a new study from the Journal of the American Medical Association has really set the record straight. This excellent research study has documented what most of us already suspect: It’s the calories we consume that affect weight, and not the combination of carbohydrates, fats, and protein in our daily eating.

While this sounds like a fundamental concept, it’s loaded with confusion for most people. Now, we can all take a step forward in identifying what type of eating plan is most compatible with long-term engagement and compliance. Success comes from following your personal preferences to create a plan that is unique for you. You can lose weight if you’re a meat-lover, as well as if you are partial to pasta. Eating fat doesn’t make you fat – extra calories do!

The first step to long-term weight loss is an effective eating plan. And the great news is that this eating plan can take many different forms. Start the year by structuring an eating plan that connects with you. If you need help, it’s worth a visit to a nutritionist for additional help.

Have you found the perfect plan for you? Please share your thoughts!


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