Michelle Obama, Burgers, and Fries

by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
Perhaps you’ve heard the recent media outcry that First Lady Michelle Obama ate a hamburger, fries, and a shake. Could this be the same First Lady who has an organic garden, eats her fruits and veggies, and advocates for healthy portions? The same First Lady who is physically active herself (check out those sculpted arms!), and encourages the nation to move more? So, what’s the story here?

I think this is just great – and an important lesson in moderation. While the food police find this shocking, I see it as an excellent example of what I call a “controlled indulgence.” Some treat foods, on occasion, are always fun and not off limits. It’s a good way to remove the thinking of “good” and “bad” foods.

My motto has always been “no bad foods, just bad portions.” And I stick to this. I don’t find any conflicting messages in Mrs. Obama’s digging in to a burger, fries, and a shake. It’s the summertime, and she’s having some fun with food. It’s not everyday – and it’s not a big deal. In fact, to me she represents the ideal kind eater. Free of deprivation, Mrs. Obama can indulge without guilt, enjoy her splurge now and then, and return to her healthy eating patterns.

I wish more people would get out of the mindset of “good” and “bad” foods. Being a “healthy” eater doesn’t mean every mouthful needs to be packed with nutrients, and devoid of treats. Healthy eating is a lifestyle – and moderation (and occasional indulgences) provides a mindset that can be sustained for the long term.


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