November Is Healthy Skin Month!

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in the body? While most people try to pay attention to healthy lifestyle habits supporting other organs like the heart, very little thought goes usually goes towards care of the skin. So, how should you take care of your skin? I’d like to review some of the basics, to help support your own daily routine.

If you have skin problems or other chronic diseases, always talk to your family doctor or dermatologist for personalized information.

It’s important to keep your skin – especially your face and hands – clean. But you don’t need expensive cleansers or fancy soaps to do so. Stick with economical fragrance-free soaps and cleansers from the supermarket or drug store. While department store cleansers might feel great on your skin, there’s no evidence that they’re doing a better job of cleansing. If you enjoy the purchase, have fun, but it’s not a must-have.

Think about hydration for your skin – meaning an all purpose moisturizer, especially in the winter. If, after washing your face, it’s tight when you yawn, a lightweight moisturizer can help. As with cleansing, spending more money doesn’t necessarily make a better product. Daily use after cleansing (twice daily) provides optimal results.

And don’t forget the sunscreen, even in winter. While our days are shorter, it’s still important to wear daily sunscreen with an SPF of 15 (or higher if you choose or if recommended by your doctor).

Blocking the sun’s rays on your skin can interfere with adequate vitamin D intake (vitamin D is produced in the skin with sun exposure), so make sure your hands, arms, and/or legs are exposed to the sun. Fifteen to 20 minutes daily is more than enough to meet daily requirements.

What other skin-savers can you share for Healthy Skin Month?


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