Beware of the Office Candy Jar!

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
With the Thanksgiving holiday behind us, a predictable food phenomenon occurs in offices everywhere: the sudden appearance of holiday candy jars, filled to the brim with all kinds of treats! Even on desks of the most healthful eaters, that welcoming candy jar works on the premise that throughout the holiday season "food is love." It's one of the most frequent questions I get about the challenges of managing holiday eating.

Who doesn't like a sweet treat now and then? My mantra is “no bad foods, just bad portions.” But the problem is that a few candies a day, from various jars, can add up fast. Just 100 extra calories (about 4-5 pieces) from a day's worth of "Have a candy, just one won't hurt" can pack on one extra pound in just a month!

When it comes to the candy jar, focus on being a mindful eater – think before you eat a piece – and you’ll have great practice for all of the holiday temptations to come. Remember to keep track of the number of pieces you choose daily. Ask yourself if it’s worth it or if you would rather spend those calories somewhere else.

You do have a choice. Keep some sugarless gum and mints handy for yourself as a substitute for calorie-laden treats. And learn to say "No, thanks," You're not obligated to eat just because someone makes an offer!

These easy tips translate well to the variety of eating situations you'll face throughout the season.

Do you have some tips to share about keeping your holiday eating under control?


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