No TV For Tots

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
Pediatricians have made a strong statement (and a very positive one in my view) about screen time and young children. The new policy just released from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of 2 limit the time spent in front of the TV, computers, and even adult shows playing in the background. Included in this grouping are self-described “educational games.”

The bottom line of this policy is that video screen time provides no educational benefits for children under age 2, and actually interferes with playtime and person-to-person interactions with other children and adults.

Other studies show that language development in young children can be impaired by too much screen time. Children learn language best from “real people,” resulting in greater understanding and usage later on.

But this is not the “video police” interfering in your personal life. The key word here is “limit” screen time from all sources. As with all modern lifestyle behaviors, moderation is key.

And we adults can learn something from this recommendation! Maybe we should all try to “turn off” a bit, and focus more on “real people” time.


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