Six Secrets of Happy People

by. Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
Happiness doesn’t just happen, and there are some definite behaviors that contribute to your sense of well being. A feeling of joy and happiness in daily life is also a documented health promoter. Here are some habits that I find especially helpful. Maybe you have some others to share. I’d love to know!

1. Be a “do-er,” not a “watcher.” Avoid sitting on the sidelines as an observer of life, and jump in with some active participation. Whether it’s volunteer work, an exercise class, or special family time, find something you like to do. Become a self-starter – don’t wait for life to happen.

2. Be guilt-free. No one is perfect, and it’s important to be easier on yourself, no matter what the circumstance. Guilt about not getting enough done in a day, or spreading yourself too thin is a major emotional drain.

3. Work on Your Mood. Some mind-body synchronizing can be a real boost. It’s totally normal for your mood to dip a bit now and then, so be aware when this happens, and develop some personal coping strategies, like taking a brisk walk, talking on the phone with a good friend, listening to some soothing music, or even taking a warm shower.

4. Think Positive. Are you a glass half-empty kind of thinker? Switch that around, and think about what IS going well, and not what’s wrong. A positive attitude goes a long way to supporting happiness.

5. Try Something New. We all get stuck in our personal “comfort zone,” so try something new, to energize yourself. Say yes to a friend who invites you to an activity you’d never think of doing on your own.

6. Make Time to Play. A key feature of happy people is some time set aside for leisure activity. And “playtime” is different for everyone. Make sure to include some “you” time; – and it’s not the amount of time you set aside, but including it daily that counts most..


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