Get More Energy in the Morning!

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
When that alarm clock goes off in the morning, are you ready to greet the day, or only wanting to roll over and go back to sleep? If you can’t get your mojo going in the morning, read on. I’d like to share some of my favorite daily energizers!

You might be surprised to know that an energized morning starts with a good night’s sleep. Before retiring, make sure you have a cool, quiet environment. If there’s extra noise, try some ear plugs, or a sound machine. To block out excess light, eyeshades do the trick.

Choose a morning wake-up ritual that eases you into the day. Instead of a jarring alarm, turn the switch to music, for a gentler awakening. Or invest in a clock where the “alarm” is increasingly bright light, to gradually rouse you, like the sun.

Set yourself up with positive energy, with some deep breathing. Try 5-10 deep belly breathes while sitting on the side of your bed, before getting up.

And don’t be too busy for breakfast. You don’t need to be bleary eyed, staggering into the kitchen to make an omelet – but you do want to eat within about 2 hours of awakening. Breakfast can be as easy as a skim milk latte and a fruit, a protein bar or shake, yogurt and berries, or a bowl of oatmeal topped with walnuts. Avoid skipping breakfast, as you’ll likely overeat for lunch. Plus, breakfast sets up structured eating for your day, and supports mindful eating.

What other tips do you have to share? I’d love to know!


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