
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2012

We Moved!

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom My blog now has a new home! Come check us out at . We hope you like the new look! Please remember to OPT IN to our mailing list since we can't carry over our present email subscribers.  At our new site, you'll still find my twice weekly " My Health Matters Blog." We are also introducing some additional bloggers from our health team. From time to time, you'll be hearing from two of our health coaches, and two physicians who will be covering topics from preventive health to physical activity to recipe makeovers.  With our new interactive site , we hope you’ll provide feedback and comments on our blogs to expand our health dialogue with you. And feel free to suggest some topics you’d like to hear about.

Walking 101

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom College credit for walking? That’s what the University of Georgia offers as one of its fitness classes for students. Whether this is a good sign or bad sign for our nation’s fitness is debatable.  Most of us are very familiar with the public health message about the multiple benefits of walking. A daily 20- to 30-minute walk supports cardiovascular health, weight control, and stress management. But how many of us actually follow that advice? The results might surprise you. Nearly 40% of Americans report that they “do not exercise.” This percentage has remained stable for many years. National recommendations for daily physical activity are actually quite modest: a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. This translates to about a half hour of brisk walking five days a week. Some recent evidence using more sophisticated activity sensors (instead of self-report information) suggests that only around 4% of adults meet that goal. Why is it such a chall

Holiday Season Energy Boosters

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom With the holiday season adding extra activities to our already busy lives, we all sometimes feel we’re running low on energy. And this lack of energy can become a barrier to enjoyment. Below are three of my favorite strategies for boosting holiday energy in a healthy way.  I hope they’ll also work for you! Structure Your Eating.   Make sure to pre-plan your eating day; avoid skipping meals. No time for lunch? Try a protein bar or shake along with fruit if you’re on the run. Carry a small bag of nuts and/or dried fruit with you for a quick emergency energy boost, especially in the late afternoon. When you avoid getting “over-hungry” it’s much easier to resist the holiday treats on every desk and in office break rooms!  Don’t Skimp on Sleep. While it might be tempting to cut back on your sleep to lengthen your active day, fight that urge. Aim for at least seven hours nightly during this busy season. When you’re rested, you’ll be much more efficient with your time

The “Fat Tax” in Denmark

By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom There’s a lot of debate about whether high-calorie “junk” foods should be taxed to help stem the obesity epidemic in our country. Maybe we can gain some insights from the recent policy change in Denmark. About a year ago, Danish lawmakers instituted a fat tax — a surcharge of foods high in artery-clogging saturated fat. The Danish tax ministry has now repealed that decision, citing a negative effect on both businesses and consumer buying power. So what went wrong? Perhaps one problem was taxing a whole category of nutrients (fat) rather than specific foods. The bigger problem seems to be that consumers just bought these foods elsewhere. They went to neighboring countries where prices were lower to buy their favorite butters and ice creams. Most of us are familiar with the “soda tax” issue in our country. Most recently, a bill that would have imposed taxes on sugary drinks was defeated in California.  The Danish legislature has now cancelled plans for a tax on s